This is a combination of two recipes given to me by the Chilean winery Errazuriz, so it is their fruity Errazuriz Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé I always use (£8.99, The Pip Stop). If you use a different wine, make sure it has exuberant fruit and some sweetness – something you find in new world cabernet, syrah and merlot, but not in traditional, pale, dry European rosés. I can’t say anybody ever identifies the rosemary, but I like to think it adds an extra something that would be missed if it wasn’t there. If you don’t like the texture of raspberry seeds, liquidise and sieve the raspberries first. Serves 6
550ml fruity new world rosé 100ml water 300g raspberries 125g caster sugar 6 sprigs of rosemary, tied in muslin or in a coffee filter paper juice of 1 lemon 1 large egg white
Put the wine, water and raspberries in a saucepan. Stir in the sugar and heat until the sugar has dissolved. Add the rosemary and boil fast for 5-8 minutes to produce a light syrup. Leave to get completely cold. Remove the rosemary and stir in the lemon juice.
If you don’t have an ice cream maker, put the raspberry syrup in a bowl or tub in the freezer. After two hours, whisk the egg white until it forms soft peaks. Take the semi-frozen, raspberry slush from the freezer and whisk in the egg white. Return it to the freezer for 1½-2 hours. Whisk again and return it to the freezer for another hour.
If you have an ice cream maker, whisk the egg white until it forms soft peaks, then whisk it into the raspberry syrup and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Original photograph by Patrice de Villiers