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Dec 30, 2016
Chestnuts: Potatoes with Chestnuts, Bacon & Mushrooms
This is almost a meal in itself, but it also makes a very good accompaniment to roast game birds, poultry, venison and pork. If you’ve...

Dec 17, 2016
Chestnuts: Chestnut, Prune and Sausage Stuffing
This is the stuffing I usually do for goose. In fact, whenever I try something different (apples, potatoes, apricots, walnuts or...

Dec 10, 2016
Chestnuts: Pork Tenderloins Layered with Chestnuts and Mushrooms
If you’re feeling extravagant, use cèpes. Otherwise, use a variety with a good flavour such as chestnut mushrooms. And if you can only...
Apr 4, 2016
Salads: Potato, Chorizo, Prawn and Paprika Salad
Salad doesn’t have to be something on the side or a bit of greenery bringing up the rear. It can be a starter or the main event and it...
Nov 15, 2015
Cheap Entertaining: Pork Chops with Mustard & Honey
Pork is cheap, but chops are often so lean (obsessively so in supermarkets) they need remedial treatment to stop them being dry. The...
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